About Us

In the book, Grow Your Law Firm, you will be guided by marketing consultant and bestselling author Cooper Saunders. Learn the step-by-step marketing process that will transform your law firm into an industry powerhouse. Uncover how to choose the best market for you, utilize marketing techniques that will actually grow your law firm, slash waste, and become the law firm you were meant to be. 

Cooper saunders

Writer & Founder 




The first step I take when working with a new client is understanding what service they want to allocate all of our marketing efforts to. Are you a generalist with your marketing efforts? If so, this is a fast way to mediocrity! Generating results from digital marketing requires Focus.


The first step I take when working with a new client is understanding what service they want to allocate all of our marketing efforts to. Are you a generalist with your marketing efforts? If so, this is a fast way to mediocrity! Generating results from digital marketing requires Focus.


The first step I take when working with a new client is understanding what service they want to allocate all of our marketing efforts to. Are you a generalist with your marketing efforts? If so, this is a fast way to mediocrity! Generating results from digital marketing requires Focus.

Promised results


I know the feeling. The feeling that someone took advantage of you and your law firm. You were promised results and saw nothing in return.

Did you ever wonder why? I’m sure the marketing company that promised these results had good intentions. (I hope.) In this cheat sheet, I will explain the Focus Marketing Method. The next three steps will explain why all of your marketing efforts in the past have flopped. The Focus Marketing Method will allow your business to experience growth never seen before.

Let’s get started.

Free Consultation

Law is complicate matter. It can cause you a big problem

if you ignore it. Let us help you!

In the book, Grow Your Law Firm, you will be guided by marketing consultant and bestselling author Cooper Saunders. Learn the step-by-step marketing process that will transform your law firm into an industry powerhouse.

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